Solar PV Installation: Getting Started
Understanding the Basics and Learning Cost Calculations of Solar PV Installation
More and more people are getting interested in Solar PV Installation due to its offer guaranteed return of investment. Although it’s true that getting started with solar power would be very easy, just like any other businesses, it would still be a lot better if you fully understand various aspects of the business first before you try to venture into it.
The following are some of the basic information you need to know before planning to take advantage of the Feed-In-Tariff in Malaysia
- Factors to consider in determining your solar system
- Your system size and cost calculations
- The process for applying Feed-In Approval
Factors in Determining Solar System
With various solar systems available, it’s important to know some of the most important aspects of the technology, such as the following, before trying to purchase one for your home:
- Solar system to be used – Types of Solar Panel that specifically fits for your needs
- Your daily energy requirement – Determining your daily energy usage by taking a look at your utility bill for energy usage in kilowatt hour per day (kWh/day).
- Available space for the solar system – Check your area if the system will be able to receive significant amount of sunlight needed to produce energy.
- Budget – Take advantage of the most attractive startup capital assistance being offered by some banks and other financial institutions if you’re planning to file a financial loan to purchase the technology.
System Size and System Cost CalculationFinding the System Size:
Knowing your average daily energy usage (kWh/day), or the amount of energy you’re planning to produce each day gives you a chance to calculate the system size and its cost based on the following steps:
Dividing your average energy usage (kWh/day) by the peak sun hours, which is usually 4 hours (11 am – 3 pm)
Multiplying the dividend to 1.43 for the system loss due to friction, heat, and other ineffectiveness.
Find out the size of solar system you need to produce the amount of energy you need.
Calculation: kW = kWh/day ÷ 4 hours (peak sun hours) x 1.43 (system loss)
Average energy usage of your home is 20 kWh/day, find out the size of the solar system you need to produce your daily energy requirement.
kW = kWh/day ÷ 4 x 1.43
= 20 kWh/day ÷ 4 x 1.43
= 5 kWh/day x 1.43
= 7.15 kW
Therefore, the size of the system you need is 7.15 kW to be able to produce 40 kWh/day at peak sun hours (4 hours a day from 11 am – 3 pm).
Finding the System Cost:
Now that you have the size of the system you need, you may calculate how much it could take for the system cost based on the following steps:
- Multiplying the size of the system to RM13,000 for competitive system cost installed.
- Multiplying the size of the system to RM15,000 for conservative system cost installed .
Calculation: System Cost = System Size x RM13,000 (Competitive System) or RM15,000 ((Conservative System).
Find out how much it would cost for a 7.15 kW system.
System Cost = System Size x RM15,000
= 7.15 kW x RM15,000
= RM107,250 (Conservative System cost)
*RM13,000 or RM15,000 was used as the average grid-ties system cost. However, systems available may amount to as low as RM12,000/kW in competitive areas.
Feed-In Approval Application
A specific guideline for FIA Application is being followed for a more organized and convenient system. Let us guide you and help you achieve your goal with our detailed step-by-step Feed-In Application Process.
*All information above is the most basic aspects to consider in purchasing solar power system. For more details, visit SEDA Malaysia’s official website or give us a call.